Saturday, August 31, 2019

Business Model: Amazon versus eBay Essay

A company’s business model is the activities it uses to create and capture value through its offerings to the market. Modelling helps firms develop business visions and strategies, redesign and align business operations, share knowledge about the business and its vision and ensure the acceptance of business decisions through committing stakeholders to the decisions made (Persson & Stirna , 2001). Amazon and eBay both share space in the retail industry of e-retail and e-commerce services. The two companies have found success by conducting business using the internet by providing products, services, and information to consumers. Although, B2C (business to customer) strategies have helped both companies to achieve success they have sustained and dominated the market through evolving business models that capitalize on value creation to the consumer. eBay’s business model is based on creating an online trading community where the company provides an auctioning platform that brings sellers and buyers together. Thousands of items are listed in catalog form according to topic and category. eBay at no time takes possession of any item which leaves shipping costs details between the buyer and seller. However, it does offer secure payment methods free of charge. On the other hand, Amazon incorporates a long tail retail business model which assumes that products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters, but only if the store or distribution channel is large enough (Investopedia, 2014). By offering a large variety of products on its sites for sell inventory is kept in what the company terms as fulfilment centers. Whereas when merchandise is selected and paid for through Amazon’s e-commerce site it is shipped free or at little cost to the buyer. The value creation does not end once the exchanges of goods have taken place for both eBay and Amazon they have extended the transaction process by incorporating feedback forums. For example eBay depends on the integrity of others in making person to person ethical transactions; there is a feedback forum where the seller and buyer can comment on the process. Amazon in turn has created customer value and loyalty by offering a comment section where buyers can rate experience on a star system, and provide reviews. The seller is tracked by Amazon using a  metric system based on number of reviews and ratings in percentages telling how much positive feedback a seller has received in a specific time. heavily and leverages its fixed assets to and On the other hand, Amazon beginning as an online book seller utilizing B2C strategy quickly redefined its retail strategy to include large varieties of products that are stored in what it The company in compensation charges listing fees or insertion fee to promote the product, and a final sales price fee of 7.9% once the final bid is accepted. Through these activities eBay creates value to the consumer by providing a vast listing of items for sale in one location, ease of use, and security in financial payment methods. Although, eBay’s business model is built around its core competencies of on-line person to person auctioning Amazon has taken a more innovative approach by redefining its business model and creating entirely new markets. Amazon begi nning as an online book seller utilizing B2C strategy quickly redefined its retail strategy to include large varieties of products. While incorporating a long tail retail business model which assumes that products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters, but only if the store or distribution channel is large enough (Investopedia, 2014). Hence Amazon dumps short term profits for long term investments often making the company appear not profitable in its financial statements. Amazon through business model innovation (BMI) evolves by thinking long term continues to fill the white space by focusing and then capitalizing on the unmet needs of consumers. The company since inception in 1995 Amazon started off by focusing on Business-to-Consumer relationships between itself and its customers, and Business-to-Business relationships between itself and its suppliers but it then moved to incorporate Customer-to-Business transactions as it realized the value of customer reviews as part of the product descriptions. t is when an online company earns its revenues mainly by selling a broad selection of products.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dress Code in School Should Be Applied

School dress code has always been a controversial topic in the United States mainly because of American culture. Many school dress codes or uniforms have come from England. Uniforms in public school reduce economic and social barriers between students, encourage discipline and affect positive attitude by increasing self-confidence, school pride, and a sense of belonging, and create a safe environment in the schools. In the 1960s United States began adopting school uniforms in public schools but even now it is controversial whether or not they should be implemented throughout the country. The idea of uniforms came from England where their purpose was to encourage docility and obedience toward authority. However, England and United States used the uniforms to distinguish the lower class from the elite parochial schools. Even though the public schools did not start to look at uniforms until the 1960s, private and Catholic schools had uniform policies which were question for much of the first half of the twentieth century (David L. Brunsma, 2004). In 1960, people protested against school uniforms implemented by Catholic and private schools. The protests were based on different concerns, such as: 1) Uniforms became an invasion of parents’ rights; 2) the inherent statement that uniforms make of conformity and similarity was being questioned; 3) At that time, the school uniforms were expensive for poorer families; and 4) children will eventually find out social class boundaries, etc. (Brunsma, 2004). Uniforms take away from visible difference between student socioeconomics and removes pressure to dress a certain way. Students can then focus more on their schoolwork and less on what their peers are wearing. In the book Rights of Student the author states, â€Å"Some students may feel ostracized because they cannot afford the latest fashions that are popular among their classmates† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Former president Bill Clinton encouraged the idea of school uniform in his 1996 State of the Union address. He said, â€Å"If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public school should be allowed to require the students to wear school uniforms† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Clinton also stated: â€Å"If it means that the schoolrooms will be more orderly, more disciplined, and that our young people will learn to evaluate themselves by what they are on the inside instead of what they're wearing on the outside, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms†(Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Uniforms are not only used to avoid socioeconomic difference and remove peer pressure to dress a certain way, but also used to increase safety in public schools. Schools in United States had to implement dress code regulation to provide and improve a safe environment for student and faculty. After the Columbine shooting, schools’ safety awareness brought attention to dress codes in schools. Schools began implementing uniforms that prevented students from wearing gang-related apparel like trench coats and baggy pants, which enable students to hide weapons easily. Teachers and principals of students wearing uniforms can quickly see if there are non-students present in the building depending on the colors of the uniforms. School personnel can quickly notice a person that is a non-student on school grounds, preventing a trespasser who might cause harm at the school. One can agree with Jamuna’s viewpoint in the book Students’ Rights when he said, â€Å"Of all the potential benefits of school dress policies, none is more important than improving school safety† (Jamuna, 2005). Another aspect is how student dress affects attitudes in school and throughout adult years. Uniforms encourage discipline, sense of belonging and school pride, which can facilitate later on in life in the work place or even in their personal lives. Some students and parents object to dress codes. However, the majority of school administrators recognize that well-drafted student dress codes help provide a better learning environment. Students need to learn how to dress for success. (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004) A person must have the appropriate attire to dress for a job interview. Should the school be no different ? In the United States, schools and parents have disagreed over school uniforms. Some believe they violate or restrict a student’s right to freedom of expression. There have been cases where the students have taken legal action against schools and won. The most popular is Tinver v. Des Moines Independent Community School Districts, where the school implemented a dress code policy that armbands could not be used in the school (Raskin, 2003). Tinver’s and a group of adults and students’ purpose were to publicize their objection to the hostilities in Vietnam. â€Å"Petitioners John F. Tinver, 15 years old, and Christopher Eckhardt, 16 years old, attended high school in Des Moines, Iowa. Petitioner Mary Beth Tinver, John’s sister, was a 13 year-old-student in Junior high school† (Raskin, 2003). However, the first Amendment protects freedom of verbal speech and uniforms does not qualify as express conduct because contains no particular message. In the book Rights of Student who’s Arthurs are Hudson and Marzilli states, â€Å"Restrictions on students dress are not designed to suppress free expressions; rather, they are a way to improve the educational environment† (Hudson and Marzilli, 2004). Opponents also believe school uniforms inhibit student’s individuality. Teenagers express their feelings by the garments they wear. Uniforms take away this form of expression. Why should school districts try to make everyone look the same? For United States students, wearing uniforms may be viewed as too formal in a casual school atmosphere and too limiting of individuality. Parents may perceive that uniforms are less expensive than what would ordinarily be worn every day (Brunsma, 2006). School uniforms can be adopted from childhood onward, but adolescence is a time when uniforms may be adopted in the United States (Kim, DeLong, and LaBat, 2001). The third reason opponents disagree is that they believe uniforms inhibit a student’s freedom of choice. The United States focuses on teaching freedom of choice, therefore opponents feel there is no ethos in teaching when uniform are implemented. In website called Children’s School Uniforms, Pros and Cons, Dorit Sasson says, â€Å"A School uniform is an issue which has caused a lot of debate in the last few years. Many students feel they lose their identity when everyone is required to wear the same clothes to school† (Sasson, 2007). However, there has been a survey that shows students support school uniforms. In the article Sasson also says, â€Å"Some English students have recently come out in support of school uniforms. According to a survey of 1,300 teens, 67% of the boys and 52% of the girls prefer wearing uniforms to school† (Sasson, 2007). The author of Students’ Rights supports the idea and says, â€Å"Though the majority of public schools do not require uniforms, the feedback is very positive from those who do† (Jamuna, 2005). In conclusion, dress codes should be applied in all public schools for the following potential benefits. First they reduce economic and social barriers between students. Secondly, they are essential to the school environment by promoting school safety, encouraging discipline and boosting positive attitudes. Though opponents believe school uniforms violate or restricts a student’s right to freedom of expression, inhibit student’s individuality and student freedom of choice, the fact remains that as Hudson and Marzilli state, â€Å"School should be more about discipline than fashion. School uniforms help decrease tensions in school, reduce socioeconomic differences, improve safety, and remove distractions. †

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and Their Effects

Vietnam has a wide variety of religions practiced in their country. Nine point three percent of Vietnams population are Buddhist, six point seven percent are Catholic, One point five percent are Hoa Hao, one point one percent are Cao Dai. Less than one percent are Protestant and Muslim. Even though Vietnam has a lot of variety of religions over eighty percent claim no religion (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). Even thought there is a wide variety of religions in Vietnam, most of the people who live there have a sense of the richness and variety of traditional Vietnamese religion.In older tradition the majority of Vietnamese people believed they inhabited a world alive with gods and spirits. They didn't make a distinction of the living world and the spirit or dead world. They also didn't make a distinction between the world human beings, nature, vegetable, an animal. the believed that the energy of these worlds are all connected. Because of this religion plays a big part in the daily l ife of a Vietnamese person. In addition, your social status also affects how and what you believe. or example, Confucian scholars, who prided themselves for their rationality, often scoffed at what they considered the superstitious nature of peasant religion. But they, also had religious believes that they lived by. Where you work also determines what you believe. Fishermen, were notorious for the variety and richness of their beliefs. Some beliefs were shared by all Vietnamese. Others were adhered to only in one region or a small locality. Some were so deeply embedded in the culture as to be considered a part of tradition, holding sway over believers and non-believers alike.Maybe because of the many religions or the way the Vietnamese people think, religion doesn't play a big part in their country as a whole, but it does play a big part in the lives of the citizens of Vietnam. Even though, half of the world's population lives in The Asia region people aren't migrating to Vietnam (S tephen Castles, 2009). Vietnam is a very traditional country with allot of different ethnic groups. Vietnam is home to fifty-four official ethnic groups, the majority of which live in highland areas. Although some large groups such as, the Cham or Chinese, live in lowlands or urban areas.I will go over a couple of the most known ethnic groups. There are eighty-five point seven percent of the Vietnamese are Kinh, which is said to be the native people of Vietnam. There are one point nine percent Tay people, who originates from the Chinese side of the Vietnamese – Chinese border. One point eight percent are Thai and are from Thailand. One point five percent are Muong which are the people who live in the mountains in Vietnam, and Khmer who come from Cambodia. One point two percent are Mong and they come from Mongolia. Less than one percent are Nung which are considered to be the â€Å"poor† people of Vietnam.The last five point three percent are labeled as other (East and Southeast Asia, 2012). Most people in Vietnam are natives to that land but their ancestors migrated from china long ago. Because of this migration doesn't play a big part in Vietnams present but it does play a big part in its history. Even though they have been ruled by other countries most of the time, they kept a strong belief in their country and culture. Migration in Asia isn't a new thing for them. Asians from these regions have been migrating for centuries. But in the 1970s and 1980s, international migration from Asia grew dramatically.The main destinations were North America, Australia, and the oil economies of the Middle East. Since the 1990s, migration within Asia has grown, particularly from less-developed countries with massive labor surpluses to fast-growing newly industrializing countries (Stephen Castles, 2009). In today's society migration has dropped. The reason for this is the Asian government wanted to control migration and migration rights were limited. They also made migration temporary in that region so people were prohibited to have family reunions.Even though migration has dropped, emigration has risen six percent over the past ten years (Stephen Castles, 2009). There are about 2. 6 million people leaving Asia to look for work. In the 21st century over 6 million Asians are employed outside of their own countries within the Asian region. This has grown a great deal since the 1980s and has helped the Asian region grow. A lot of Asia's were able to find work in the Middle East after the oil prices rose in 1973. This also contributed to the migration and emigration in Vietnam. The referred to these workers as contract labor.The companies that employed them made it clear that they couldn't bring family with them. In the 70s most of the works who migrated were male so the men of the house had to leave their families just to find work and provide for them. In the 1980s the economy was growing so rapidly and fertility was declining it cause a st rong demand for labor workers. Even though they in Asia, most of the workers aren't Asian. While existing flows from countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines have continued, new source countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma have become more significant (Stephen Castles, 2009).In the 1990s there was a demand for female domestic workers that started in the Middle East and then Asia. If women didn't work in the domestic sector they often had the â€Å"typical female† jobs. Some examples of these jobs are entertainers(mostly prostitutes), restaurant and hotel staff, and assembly line workers in clothing or electronics. These jobs were poor paying and had terrible conditions. They were also associated with patriarchal stereotypes of female docility, obedience, and willingness to give personal services (Stephen Castles, 2009).Another big form of female migration in Asia is female migration marriage. Since the 1900s, foreign brides have been sought out by farmers in areas likes Japan and Taiwan. This is one of the only permanent forms of immigration in Asia that is permitted. From the Asian government sand point it seem that these practices with women help their country, but it is sexist and will put the government in a terrible situation with women rights groups. The diversity in the religion and culture have shaped the Vietnamese people into who they are today.Even though it doesn't play a big part in the economy or government, religion is still a big part of the lives of the Vietnamese citizen. The religion is mixed in with their culture which makes the citizens of Vietnam a pride people. With the ever growing Asian economy Vietnam is in a good place to grow also. Even though the country has had allot of adversity, it has overcome it all. In the future maybe they will work on their women's rights issues and continue to grow its economy. If that is done I have no doubt that the citizens of Vietnam will be happy and the economy wil l grow. ?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


EXAMINATIONS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY - Essay Example Moreover, valuable business operation techniques and business policies according to the business ethics help Apple Inc. to maintain its high brand image and supreme brand equity in global market place. Apart from all these aspects, the organization always develops and implements several valuable strategies in business operation processes in order to gain potential competitive advantages. The essay will conduct a value chain analysis in order to determine that how Apple Inc. can contribute to adding value in each of the business operation areas. In addition to this, the study will determine how Apple Inc. uses policies and techniques to satisfy the expectation of the stakeholders. Finally, Ansoff matrix has been used in this essay to identify various strategies that could be adopted by Apple Inc. to pursue growth. Apple Inc. has adopted and implemented several unique business operation strategies in order to enhance effective strategic management practices and sustainability in business operation process. This part of the essay will discuss about the adopted and implemented business operation strategies by Apple Inc. It is an important strategic analytical tool that will help to describe the categories of activities within and around Apple Inc, which together create quality products. Firm infrastructure, HRM, Technology development and procurement are supporting activities. On the other hand, inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service are the primary activities (Figure 1). Apple Inc. generally obtains the resources and components from several multiple sources around the globe. For example, computer hardware products are generally manufactured by the Asian outsourcing partner, such as Foxconn (Young and Simon, 2006, p.43). In terms of raw material acquisition, the organization collaboratively works with its OEM partners in order to allot the process of raw material

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Types of composite materials Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Types of composite materials - Research Paper Example One good example of a composite material is the disk brake pad. The disk brake pad is made up of ceramic particles that are often times entrenched in soft metal matrix. Other examples include shower stalls, bathtubs and fiberglass. A mud brick is made up of clay, mud, sand and water in a process that is free of fire and is mixed with the aid of binding material including rice husks, coffee husks or maize chaff. This has been practiced since time memorial in the ancient civilization. In mud bricks the matrix is the mad whereas the reinforcing materials are the rice husks, coffee husks or maize chaff. Mud bricks are known to perform well under compression, however when bending forces are exerted on they tend to cave in. This, on further explanation is due to bending forces exerting a tension force. Mud bricks tend to resist pulling forces acting on them, but they tend to be weak when they are crumpled. It is common practice to leave the stiff mixture to dry in the sun for duration of about four weeks. This is common in places where the weather is warmer and there is diminutive timber to provide for the fuel for use in kilns. The use of stucco has been used to increase the life of mud bricks when the kiln dried mud bricks are placed on them. Mud bricks are used in construction industry for building houses, for example, in the implementation of adobe which is an energy saving and environmentally safe way to insulate a house (Measures 126). It is also used in constructing insulation material such as furnace. In this case it could be used to melt metal such as aluminum for making aircraft components. Laminate is a kind of composite material that is made up of layers or lamina that have unidirectional composite material. Some of the examples of laminar composite materials include continuous and aligned fiber reinforced plastics with matrix such as epoxy and polyester (Inova 56). In the

The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or Essay

The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or is there a special difficulty in preventing infections by Staphylococcus Aureus and Clostr - Essay Example Methcillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium Difficile have both been dubbed as superbugs one after the other, but differ in their media exposure. Issues on the first have been reported to be blown out of proportion2 while the importance of the second had not caught much public awareness.3 In terms of public safety, however, attempts to inform or educate the public underscore all the more the need to evaluate sources of information and education before they are believed, in light of the public scare that media have created about them. MRSA has been reported by media as a potentially killer ‘superbug’ which common antibiotics have not stemmed. For the 10 year period from 1995 through 2005 of newspaper coverage of MRSA that researchers4 analyzed, MRSA reporting came around with the notion of you-or-me to blame. Guardian5 summarized the MRSA hospital superbug story thus- A bloke with no microbiology qualifications in unaccredited garden shed â€Å"laboratory† finds MRSA on swabs given to him by undercover tabloid journalists for their â€Å"dirty hospital scandal† stories, but proper labs cannot find MRSA in the same places that this â€Å"leading MRSA expert Dr Chris Malyszewicz† (with his unaccredited American correspondence course PhD) has, and proper microbiologists have very good reasons for believing that the methods of this â€Å"expert† (who incidentally sells a range of anti-MRSA products) could not distinguish between harmless skin bacteria and MRSA6 It is noted that the blame centered on why it spreads – the lack of cleanliness in hospitals – and not on its origin.7 As a result, the National Health Service is seen as mismanaged. Nevertheless, in the Hansard files8 it is the credibility of source that is put into question: the tabloid, Evening Standard, covering the story, including the â€Å"expert† who is considered as the source of the tests - Lord Warner replied: â€Å"I entirely agree with you about the laboratory

Monday, August 26, 2019

Essay about Adolf Hitler was evil but not monstrous

About Adolf Hitler was evil but not monstrous - Essay Example Hitler was a man of his time when many European leaders tended to be nationalists who pursued the national interests of their countries to the exclusion of all others. Hitler’s contemporaries in Europe such as Stalin in Russia and Mussolini in Italy are examples of nationalist leaders who were dictators in their own countries and had absolute power over their people (Duckett). While this has been the case, these leaders, with the exception of Hitler, have largely been exonerated by historians, as the latter has been labelled as evil as well as a monster. It can therefore be said of Adolf Hitler that, while his actions may have been evil, they were not monstrous because of his belief that he was doing them for the benefit and glory of the Germanic race. These are normal human impulses which almost all patriotic individuals in the world often aspire to; to ensure the national development as well as the achievement of greatness for their people. Adolf Hitler, while committing great evil in the massacre of the Jews, was still a very human character comparable to other great leaders such as Genghis Khan and Stalin who despite killing thousands if not millions of people, continue to be worshipped as heroes. One will find that, despite the fact that Hitler and Stalin were on opposite sides during the Second World War, Hitler was a keen admirer of the latter. He believed that, under Stalin’s rule, Russia had achieved a semblance of order. Hitler felt that Stalin was the best thing that had happened to Russia because of the fact that he ruled the country from his office using a bureaucracy which did everything as he commanded it. In one instance, Hitler declared that Stalin was a ruthless man who was willing to sacrifice anything to ensure that he remained in power. In fact, Hitler suggested that were the Russians to be overwhelmed by the Germans, Stalin would

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Structural analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Structural analysis - Essay Example This usually depends on wavelength of the radiation. The beams that enter the lens form an image by overlapping on each diffraction pattern. As per the below diagram, Rayleigh found out that distinction between two points would be possible if maximum of the first diffraction pattern matched with the minimum or the beginning of the second diffraction pattern. Therefore the distance d1 indicated is inversely proportional to diameter of the lens opening. In brief the gap r1 is dependent on wavelength ?, refractive index of the medium  µ and the angle formed by the beam ?. r1=d1/2=0.61 ?/ ( µ sin?). Therefore a high resolution or a lower value of r1 can be obtained by a shorter wavelength, a higher refractive index of the traversing medium and a smaller distance to the specimen causing a larger value of ( µsin?). When ordinary light-optical microscopes are used in air with refractive index=1, wavelengths of light being 400-700nm the maximum resolution that can be achieved is up to 200nm. Hence a magnification ratio above 1000 would be difficult to achieve. It is in these areas where a high amount of magnification is required that Electron microscopes prove the most beneficial. The Scanning Electron Microscope De Broglie’s relation describes the basic working principle of an electron microscope. The equation derived is ?= [1.5/ (V+ 10-6 V2)] 1/2 nm. Hence the wavelength can be adjusted by controlling the voltage of the electron beam. Electrons tend to get highly scattered in air and therefore a vacuum atmosphere needs to be maintained. Specimens also need to be made electrically conductive to avoid getting overcharged with electrons during testing. The diagram shows the main components of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). These function in close cohesion in the running of seven prominent systems which are notably 1. Vacuum system- To prevent the scattering of electron beams a vacuum atmosphere is maintained to prevent dispersion. To achieve this two classes of pump are used. A low vacuum pump brings down the air pressure from atmosphere to 10-3 Torr and a high vacuum pump bring it further down from 10-3 Torr to 10-6 Torr. 2. Electron beam Generation system- This system produces the ‘illuminating’ or the primary electron beam for impingement on the sample. An electron gun generates the beam in a SEM. It is composed of a filament made of tungsten wire, Cerium Hexaboride or Lanthanum Hexaboride. A grid cap that directs the flow of electrons and a positively charged anode that accelerates the electrons onto the surface of the specimen. 3. Electron beam manipulation system- a system of lenses and coils control the shape, size and position of the electron beam to be directed on the sample surface. Electrostatic and magnetic fields control electron motion Electrostatic fields are found in the electron gun while magnetic field is present in the rest of the SEM. By passing electric current through a copper wire a magnetic field is made to form an electron microscope lens. A series of these lenses also known as condenser lens removes any kind of spherical aberration or astigmatism in the image. When the beam traverses the final condenser lens two sets of magnetic scanning coils move the beam thereby scanning in the X and Y direction in a raster pattern i.e the specimen is scanned from the upper left hand corner to the right corner after which it drops

Saturday, August 24, 2019

THE WEATHERMEN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THE WEATHERMEN - Essay Example d against government officials targeted government buildings where warnings of evacuation were given to all officials with a warning that the attacks would be a form of protest against the government (Kirkpatrick, 2009). The rage demonstrations of 6th October, 1969 gave way to the bombing of the statue in Chicago that commemorated police casualties of the 1886 Haymarket riot. On 6th October, 1970 saw the statue rebuilt, however, it was blown up again by weathermen. It was rebuilt again and destroyed a third time by the same group. On February 16, 1970, the group planted a nail bomb on window ledge at the Park police station, San Francisco. One police officer was killed and a second officer was partially blinded. There were arson attacks in new York city were also blamed on the group with the explosion of Molotov cocktails filled with gasoline at the home of the Justice John Murtagh of the New York Supreme court being of the significant cases. Though no one was harmed in the explosion, it sent a very clear message since the judge was presiding over the case against members of the Black Panther party. The bombing of the New York Police headquarters in 1970 also falls into their mandate (Kirkpatrick, 2 009). Their strategic goal was to have the government cave in to their demands and stop bombing the Vietnamese. They wanted the government to provide democracy to all citizens in the world, and having to bomb one of the states would negate this principal (Kirkpatrick, 2009). They were only successful in instilling fear amongst the citizens because the government went on its campaign. They were arrested and by 1976, their numbers were decreasing and the divisions amongst them did not allow them to achieve much. The blacks and Hispanics were against their marginalization in the group and wanted to have a bigger voice in the way things were carried out in the faction (Kirkpatrick, 2009). Pape notes, â€Å"The cohesiveness of most groups is built mainly on having a common

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Proposal Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Proposal Approach - Essay Example The formulation of organization’s strategic plan does not necessarily mean it is pursuing strategic alignment (Akpan, 2007). Therefore, this study seeks to align Walmart’s strategic plan with its operations. Strategic alignment in this study means the alignment of company’s goals with internal and external factors to earn competitive advantages. The objective of this strategic alignment is to enhance Walmart’s business operation and it plan. It will make the goals clear, flexible, attainable, and in line with the overall company’s objectives. This study will attempt to align Wal-Mart’s mission, vision, and people strategies and value statements with the proposed strategic plan. Walmart’s mission is â€Å"Save money, live better† and its vision is â€Å"respect for the individuals’ service to our customer and striving for excellence† (Walmart, 2015). Also, there are value statements such as â€Å"Everyday Low Prices (EDLP)† (Walmart, 2015). This study will start by defining Wal-Mart because it will be the focus of the strategic plan. It is a secondary research. The secondary research draws heavily on available data (Akpan, 2007). There are two types of information that are needed for the purpose of strategic planning. The study requires internal environment data and external environment data. The Wal-Mart’s internal environment entails factors and characteristics that indicate its strengths and weaknesses. The sources that will generate this information include company’s financial statements and reviews, and employees views from previous studies. Employees’ views are important because they will make the study not to disconnect the strategy and operational reality. The external environment entails factors and characteristics that indicate Wal-Mart’s opportunities and threats. The sources of that will generate data and information for external environment analysis are statistical studies academic institutions, trade

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the author, Mark Twain, compares life on land to life on the river using Huck’s forbidden friendship with Jim, the risks Huck makes, and when Huck joins Tom sawyer’s gang, proving that friendship has no limits. Life on land was emotional for Huck because of the obstacles and hardships he faced. Life on the river on the other hand was a challenge because of the troubles Huck had being safe. Huck and Jim’s forbidden friendship proves that friendship has no limits through Huck seeing past the fact that Jim is black. On land when Huck found Jim for the first time in the woods, he says â€Å" was Miss Watson’s Jim! I bet I was glad to see him.† This shows Huck enjoys Jim’s company, White or black, he regards Jim as a type of friend. Friendship has no limits and will see past each other’s differences. The risks that Huck made for friendship proves that friendship has no limits through Huck risking his friendship with Tom to save a friendship with Jim. Huck has already been through so much with Jim on land and river, and had made a promise to stay with him till the end. So Huck was willing to risk Tom for Jim. Huck had told Tom, â€Å"I know what youll say. Youll say its dirty, low- down business; but what if it is? Im low down; and Im a-going to steal him, and I want you keep mum and not let on. Will you? Huck was being a true friend and protecting Jim, he was going to risk his old friend to save Jim. That showed how loyal Huck was to Jim and their friendship, showing that friendship really doesn’t have limits. When Huck joins Tom Sawyer’s gang he is proving that friendship has no limits by taking the oath Tom had made. On land while Tom forms his gang he says, â€Å"Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood.† Tom takes friendship as seriously as a religion. Both Tom and Huck believe in it faithfully, it’s like a belief in a religion. It proves that friendship has no limits when a friendship is most important to both of them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Various Solutions to Firefighter Food Purchase Essay Example for Free

Various Solutions to Firefighter Food Purchase Essay This research is about the provision of sustainable fire fighting services in a small town in Ohio called Pikering. Pikering has a population of about 8,000 residents and is situated in the rural parts of Southeastern Ohio. It has for over the years relied heavily on volunteers to provide firefighting services in the event of fire breakouts. For the past few years, the pool of volunteers has ranged between 17 and 30 in number. Owing to the few incidences of fire in the town, this small number of volunteers has often responded satisfactorily to save situations in case of fire disasters. Usually, the captain of the team of volunteers makes judgment on how to respond to cases of fore breakouts as communicated to him via telephone calls, through the Sheriff’s office or the City Manager’s office. In the past decade, the number of volunteers in the firefighting unit of Pikering township of Ohio has been dwindling. This has been occasioned by retirement of old volunteers and increased rural-urban migration of the young, energetic generation. The town has virtually remained with the old people and the very young, and the few youths available are not willing to take on the voluntary fire fighting chore. This attrition has caused concerns in the City Council. Due to the availability of state and federal funds to small municipalities like Pikering that lack proper fire emergency systems, the council has opted to put in place a paid, full-time fire department supplemented by volunteers. The council office believes that the new fully-trained fire fighting department will bring higher level of skills. Federal grant money provided to the fire fighting department is budgeted to cater for 18 full time firefighters. The funds will be dedicated towards paying the workers, maintaining high quality fire fighting quality. One of  the focuses of the council is to have a fire fighting department and staff with refined paramedic knowledge for saving lives during fire break outs. It intends to maintain some of the full-time fire fighters within the premises for quick response to emergencies. The department will not only serve the community of Pikering, but extend its services free of charge to The Problem The problem in the proposed system is that the firefighting facility can only accommodate up to 14 of the 18 firefighters. Fortunately, the facility can be modified to accommodate both male and female fire fighters. Arrangements to have the new system working are currently underway with the help of the city council, fire chief and the volunteers. There are plans to expand the annual pancake breakfast fund raisers and meals in the fire station. There are also plans to expand the kitchen into a larger cooking facility with kitchen equipment and food for the firefighters on duty. There are significant concerns about a number of issues in the proposed system: 1. Not all fire fighters are good cooks 2. The firefighters, like all other people have favorite foods and those dishes they dislike 3. Some of the firefighters may think and believe in their ability to prepare good meals, an opinion that may be disputed by other fire fighters 4. The diet provided in the fire station may not concur with dietary requirements imposed upon some of the fire fighters for medical or other special reasons 5. There should be a consideration in the food variety and wholesomeness 6. Further, rotation of the firefighters on duty may cause complications in the firefighters’ feeling of fairness and contentment with the food system. This is particularly true in the event that one’s favorite dish is constantly served while he is away and out of duty. 7. There is another problem related to contributions as there is need to ensure equitable contributions from the firefighters for the foods they consume in the fire station. 8. Additionally, some people in the fire station are bound to eat more than others 9. The city does not want to pay for the food the fire fighters will be eating in the fire station. Since the fire fighters must eat anyway, the city is determined that the amount of donation it provides towards the fire fighters’ upkeep is minimal. Research  Objective This research labors to provide solutions to the problem that are bound to face Pikering Municipality upon introduction of the full time firefighting force. There is need to ensure that the firefighting squad of the municipality feels confident that their basic requirement for food is met. It is imperative that the force remains strong and healthy by consistent and reliable supply of nutritious food in sufficient amounts. There is also need to feel fairness in the purchasing of food for the firefighters if they are to cater for their own food collectively. The report, therefore, finds solutions to these problems. It dissects the situation with an aim of finding helpful information concerning: a) Food Purchase b) Food Preparation c) Cost Sharing Predicament Data Gathering Techniques Gathering data used in this analysis came from a variety of sources. Given the scope of the problem, it was important to conduct comprehensive research on food security issues, ways of creating cheap food and collaboration. For the reasons of understanding teamwork, which is the spirit needed in making the firefighters work together and I coordination in realizing the smooth running of the fire station residence, the research considered empirical analysis of existing literature on the topic. The research made use of books, journals and articles from internet to come up with sustainable means of keeping cooperation and teamwork of the firefighters. In addition, literature on production of affordable food production techniques provided formidable data for solving the food availability issue. In addition, the research considered the people affected by the fire fighting services and sought their opinion on issues such as buying food for the firefighters. A total of 100 people of all ages, sex and race were interviewed to give their opinion on the plans. The data gathering process used questionnaires that were presented in person to the correspondents. The correspondents were arbitrarily chosen from the residents of Pikering. Research Findings Foremost, the research analysis of the problems that were cited as potential  causes of trouble to the fire fighting station residence were analyzed with a view to simplify them. Providing solutions to the problems that were most likely to cause immense challenges had to take a systematic manner and line of thought. Therefore, the research reconsidered the problems presented and classified them into two broad issues; issues of cost management of food and issues of teamwork. The research noted that providing solutions to food affordability and enhancing cooperation ad brotherhood in the working environment of the firefighters would create an environment devoid of the problems cited. From the questionnaires that the residents of Pikering Municipality filled, it was evident that the residents of the municipality were not for the opinion that the city council feeds the fire fighters, 81 of the 100 interviewed held an opinion that the fire fighters are not fed by the council. They argued that the council had more important projects that the funds could be channeled to. 63% of those who responded to oppose the plans of feeding the firefighters by the council argued that the frequency of fire outages in the municipality did not call for such drastic measures by the local government. They felt it would be a waste of resources to feed people who would stay for months without getting involved in anything constructive. The other 35% of the opponents of the move by the council to feed the firefighters felt that the firefighters do not need free food as they are able bodied people and economically gained like the rest of the public. They reasoned that if the firefighters we re to get free food, then all other workers of the council, state and federal governments deserved free food as well. Proposed Alternatives 53% of those opposed to the provision of food grants to the firefighters proposed growing of food by the firefighters in the lands of the council as one of the alternatives they had. As much as this group appreciated the need for the squad to practice eon a regular basis and undergo training, it regarded the firefighting squad as having enough free time to produce its own food. The 53% proposed that the firefighters could engage in food production activities in the vast council farms to cut on the cost of foods they may have to buy. The people reasoned that the squad would probably take 3 hours day training and spend the rest of the time idle. This was the time they would use to grow their own food. The other alternative was that the  council should deduct part of the firefighters’ pay in a mutual agreement before signing contract to cater for their own food. This would be treated as a condition in the terms of agreement to cover for their food expenses. This was an opinion of 43% of the correspondents who opposed the proposition to feed the firefighters by the council. The other 4% did not suggest any alternative to the quandary. Evaluation of the Alternatives As stated before, the research questions that were presented to the public of Pikerign Municipality concerned food production. Issues that would affect the cooperation of the firefighters in peaceful coexistence were dissected through the eyes of authors who have conducted extensive research on team work. Issues to do with cooking, appreciation of the quality of food one cooks, complaints on the types of foods offered during one’s days of duty and issues of some firefighters eating more than others would be best solved with an informed understanding of the need for teamwork. Once the council hires and places the firefighters, it will be imperative that it embarks on a thorough teamwork initiatives to have the firefighters think as a unit (Marinucci, 2009). This would be the only formidable way of ensuring there is harmony and brotherhood in the fire station residence. First, the council will need to instill a culture of inclusiveness from the first bunch of firefighters. It would be impossible to field a strong firefighting team unless all the members of the squad feel that they are part of the team. Early inculcating of such cultures is fundamental so that all who come in later blend in and play along the set rules of the institution (Mills, 2004). Secondly, the council needs to make the firefighters understand that resources of the firefighters’ station belong to all in the firefighting department. It is imperative to understand that the resources are for use by all and need to be used collectively (Mills, 2004). Further, the firefighters need to respect each other and keep confidences. In the event that they have some complaints to make for their sake or about someone, they should remember to be bold and say it to be known (Bryant, 2009). One other factor that would make the firefighting team stick together through inadequacies and disagreements is their ability to celebrate together. The firefighting staff needs to have the culture of cele brating their achievements together as a family (Marinucci, 2009). They need to gather  frequently in provided facilities to get to know each other. Further, the team needs to remember that laughter heals. They need to laugh out, be happy and share humor in good and sad times. Finally, there is need to support and accept one another (Mills, 2004). There is necessity for the firefighters to celebrate the diversity in each individual. In so doing, the fighters remember that not all of them enjoy the same food; eat the same manner and same quantities of food. By understanding these, the team will be willing to contribute towards food purchases even if they are off duty. They will not mind being away when their favorite dish is served for they love the remaining team eating the food. In exploring and realizing the full potential of the options proposed by the public opponents of the feeding program by the council, it will be possible to have the propositions work with an inspired team to work together. A firefighting team that views itself as a family will be willing to work on the farms for their own food production (Piontek, 2008). A motivated and united team is a happy team that works together with enthusiasm. Having the team work together to produce its own food is possible. Additionally, the second alternative of deducting money from the fire fighters’ wages for upkeep is a sustainable feat. The council would save money for other service provisions by teaching the firefighters make purchase their own food and supplement the deficit by farming. The only trick is to teach them to do both with passion. Recommendations From the finding s and the discussions of the research, it is evident that the public of Pikering Municipality is against the council feeding the firefighters. It is, therefore, crucial that the council reads the public mood and follows alternative means of feeding the firefighters. The firefighters should contribute part of their income to purchase their own food. They need to supplement the food deficit by farming in the council vast farms. In order to cure behavioral and social quandaries expected in the department, the council needs to focus on building teamwork and collaboration. References Bryant, M. (2009, May 31). Conflict Resolution in the Fire Service. Retrieved from Marinucci, R. A. (2009). Fire Chiefs Guide to Administration and Management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Piontek, A. (2008, July 1). The firefighters perspective. Fire Engineering, 161(7), 91. Mills, S. (2004). Teamwork: The Foundation of the Fire Service. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Obstacles To Achieving Sustainable Development

Obstacles To Achieving Sustainable Development There is no definite interpretation of sustainable development. Many scholars agree that the term sustainability is a very general concept and has too many interpretations (Saadatan et al. 2010) the meaning of sustainable development often appears unclear and accordingly underdetermined ambiguous and controversial (Parris and Kates 2003; Robinson 2004; Williams and Millington 2004; Fergus and Rowney 2005, Kates et al, 2005; ) ac cited in (Wuelser et al., 2012) . The term sustainability however originally crops from the ecological field. It was used to refer to an ecosystems potential for subsisting over time with almost no alteration. Later, the term development was introduced. This changed the view from just an environmental one but from that of a society and capital economy (Reboratti, 1999 pp 207-209) as cited by(Jabareen, 2008). Sustainable development on the global scene however, was introduced during the Cocoyoc Declaration on environment and development (Redclift, 1987, p.32) . This new concept was further expounded by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in 1987. The Commission produced an extensive report, Our Common Future that is commonly referred to as the Brundtland Report after the chair of the committee. The Brundtland reports definition of Sustainable development is the one that seems to be commonly referred to in the international arena. It defined sustainable development (SD) as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It further breaks down SD into two key concepts; concept of needs, in particular needs of the poor and secondly the concept of limitations that focuses on the technology and social factors and their ability to ensure environmental use to meet present and future needs (WCED, p.43). The report also defines development as a progressive transformation of economy and society (WCED p.43). With regard to the Brundtland reports definition and terminologies, three key aspects come into play, the economy, society and the environment. These three components of sustainable development are interlinked and a balance in the three factions is necessary in order to attain sustainable development. This harmony can only be achieved through equity. Equity as defined by the Oxford dictionary as the quality of being fair or impartial. In relation to the definition of sustainable development fair distribution is necessary to ensure the present and future generation needs are met. Our Common Future focused on the critical issues of equity and environment and raised the important ethical considerations regarding human environment relationships (Langhelle, 1999)****. Under the societal bracket, equity across the generations can be divided into two; intergenerational equity and intragenerational equity. The former acknowledges the future generations. It expects equal distribution of resources between present and future generations. It is the fairness of allocation of resources between current and future generations (Jabareen, 2008). Intragenerational equity on the other hand, refers to the distribution of resources between competing factions of the present day. This type of equity mainly addresses the poor in present society. Sustainable development in this umbrella seeks to ensure poverty is abolished and fairness of distribution of the worlds resources to every individual is met. According to the Brundtland report, the prerequisite for addressing intragenerational equity is a fair distribution of economic and social power. It argues that this can be achieved by participation in decision making and democratic processes for enabling participation and suitable governance needs to be established (WCED, 1987 p.43). However, whilst observing these two types of generational equity, it is clear that the intergenerational equity heavily relies on intragenerational equity. If there is no balance in the present age, exploitations are bound to happen, hence the future generations will be left with little or no capital stock. Therefore, it is essential that the present needs are met by sustainable development practices in order to ensure that the future generations needs are also met. Society cannot live without natural capital. The two factions are interconnected and a balance between the two is essential for attainment of sustainable development. Environmental integrity ensures that the natural stock is well managed so as to meet the needs of future generations. Environmental integrity is the management of natural capital stock so as to ensure future generation access to the same ecosystems. Jabareen (2008) further expounds that the ethical concepts under this umbrella fall into two extreme groups; the domination of nature and the intrinsic rights of nature. The former is represented by the doctrines of light ecology and the latter is governed by doctrines of deep ecology. However, regardless of which doctrine, one key issue is addressed, the sustainability of the natural resources. Natural resource should remain constant over time. Pearce and Turner (1994, p.44) explain that this stock should not decrease in order to avoid endangering the opportunities of the f uture generations ability to generate wealth and well being. This concept commonly known as strong sustainability, seems utopic and frankly highly impossible. The environmental damage has already occurred sustainable development as a strategy is to ensure that what is left and that which is untapped stays intact for future generations to come. The correlation of the three pillars of sustainable development- economic growth, society and the environment seeks to achieve balance under this paradigm. Economic growth under this new discourse is expected to address both environmental and social integrity. Before the concept of sustainable development was formulated, economic growth was perhaps the only driving force of international world. Economic growth in the 20th century has been nothing but destructive. Nevertheless, under the new discourse, it is expected under its objectives not only to achieve economic growth, but also alleviate societal injustices and environmental justice to be adhered to. Poverty alleviation is mandatory under the new framework of economic achievements. As Dodds (2000, pp28-29), argues that poverty and the environmental degradation are interlocking global crisis and that we do not face the choice between environment and development but rather challenge to find ways to integrate the two aspects. Sustainable development as with any new strategy or concept is not short of criticism. Some critics and analysts assert that it is difficult to classify SD as a globalizing force because it falls between fragmentation and integration (Sneddon et. al.2006). Redclift a famous critic of this new discourse argues that it remains unlikely that the developed countries (even developing countries) will put into action these measures. Proponents on the other hand argue, that albeit the process is occurring at a slothful pace, it has been applied extensively around the world and there are some success stories currently taking place both in the Northern and Southern nations. (Sneddon et. al.2006). argues that burgeoning levels of consumption, enhanced levels of ecological degradation, a growing public mistrust of science and vast inequalities in economic opportunities is to blame. Nevertheless, it is clear that sustainable development has yet to be achieved and in actual retrospect, unsustainab le development is winning currently. Perhaps the reason why the process has been ineffective is due to constant change experienced at environmental, social and economic levels in the modern world. However, the process of sustainable development is still important and support in the international community is evident. However, the process is faced by threats from its greatest enemy, a function of neoliberalism, globalization. One of the major obstacles to achieving sustainable development is globalization. Globalization is perhaps the grandest form of obstacle towards SD. This can be owed to the fact that it affects the three pillars of sustainable development; economic growth, social equity and environmental integrity. The precise definition of globalization is not known. Globalization as a term remains elusive (Castells, 1996: Mclauhan, 1962, Van Dijik, 1991; Gigoux and Samson, 2009) .Paehlke (n.d) describes it as simultaneous expansion of international investment and trade, the integration of social, cultural and economic activities and the acceleration of the international community, travel and personal interaction. However, Robinson (2007:125) cited in (Gigoux and Samson ,2009) summarizes the characteristics of globalization as ; a globalized economy involving new systems of production, finance and consumption and world economic integration. New transnational or global cultural patterns, practices an d flows, and the idea of global cultures ,global political process, the rise of new transnational institutions and concomitantly, the spread of global governance and the authority structures of diverse sorts ,unprecedented multidirectional movements of peoples around the world involving new patterns of transnational migration identities and communities and finally new social hierarchies forms of inequalities and relations of domination around the world. From these characteristics globalization is depicted as an international layout that involves integration of systems. Globalization seems unstoppable and is now commonly referred commonly as the new world order. This new paradigm as previously mentioned affects economic social and environmental factors of sustainable development. Proponents of the globalization paradigm see it as a new discourse to achieving social, economic and environmental equity. Dasgupta (2007) asserts that globalization emphasizes the potential of capital accumulation and technological improvements to compensate for environmental degradation. The Brundtland report actually encouraged the internationalization of the three pillars of development. This is probably why globalization has still been accepted as a possible strategy to achieving sustainable development. Contradicting this theory is the current situation occurring globally, the spread of globalization has been unstoppable. It has left in its wake more demerits than merits that have adversely affected sustainable development. Globalization can be said to be biased towards achieving economic growth. The Brundtland report stressed the need for equity in order to achieve sustainable development. The three pillars of sustainable development are highly interlinked. If one is to be encouraged more than the other, imbalance in the system is likely to occur. As Robinson described one of the characteristics of globalization as a new hierarchal form of inequality, it is in this light that we attribute the challenges of sustainable development under the globalization bracket. Globalization has its main objective as economic growth. In an ideal sustainable world, achievement of economic growth should go hand in hand with societal equity and environmental integrity. However, the situation currently being experienced around the globe is one where economic growth has taken precedence. The result is a society that is experiencing the worst forms of inequality. Globalization has opened the markets making it a free global market. Liberation of trade has led to an increase in employment opportunities in most industrialized countries. This has led to a wave of labour migration to occur. Most of these migrant workers come from developing countries. Throughout history, migration has been a courageous expression of the individuals will to overcome adversity and to live a better life (Zollinger, 2007). However, globalization has led to the highest number of labour migrants in history. According to the International Labour Office (ILO,2007) an estimated 191 million wor kers were migrants. In addition, 81 million together with their families accounted for 90% of the international migrants. Globalization has led to a decrease in the regulation of the labour market, growth in the informal sector and a new form of exploitation (Financial Express 2006). This has led to the re introduction of the term, precarious work to be used especially in the neoliberal regime (Munck, 2010). Discrimination against women has also been observed during the process. Female labourers are exploited in terms of work, pay hours and contracts. The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) states that demand for female migrants results from a number of global forces in which gender roles and sex discrimination are intertwined with globalization (Financial Express,2006). The vast number of labour migrations taking place led to the development of international legal frameworks such asà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. that cater to the . surprisingly, labour movement are also supportin g the rights of migrant workers. Munck (2010) attributes this to the fact that this has provided the trade unions with a new platform for revitalization after the long neoliberal onslaught. Another negative impact due to globalization that stands out greatly is inequality in income. This has occurred in two forms; international inequality and intranational inequality. The former refers to the difference income levels of citizens of different states. The latter refers to the disparities between individuals of the same state. International income inequality is mainly due to lower economic growth and faster population growth in developing countries than OECD countries (Wade, 2001) as cited in (Borghesi and Vercelli, 2006). Data released by the World bank in 2007 showed that people living on less than a dollar decreased from 1.25billion to 1 billion (World Bank ,2007). However in regions such as the sub-Saharan Africa, the poor increased by 60 million (Zollinger, 2007). The UNDP (2007) stresses this aspect further by stating, the Champaign effect if the world was one country, 201% of the world population would have more than three quarters of worldwide income, while the poo rest 40% would have 5%. An American citizen in 1990 was thirty eight times richer than an inhabitant in Tanzania. This has increased by sixty one times today. (UNDP, 2006). The inequalities between countries according to Lindhert and Williamson (2001) in Borghesi and Vercelli (2006) argue that, those countries that participated in the globalization discourse experienced growth and at the same time opened up their borders to inequality through liberation of markets and following autarkic policies. They further assert that countries excluded or isolated from this process lag behind while those who participate in it join the what they refer to as convergence club. Their thoughts perhaps reflect what Brundtland Commission had predicted asymmetry in international economic relations compounds imbalance as developing nations are generally influenced -by I but unable to influence international conditions (WCED,1987, p.67). Intranational inequality has also increased over the years especial ly in developed countries such as Great Britain and the USA. The number of working poor is increasing at an alarming rate in the industrialized countries. The working class seems to be short changed by the globalization paradigm. Take the case of an American manager, his/her income has increased in the past 20 years from being fourty times higher as the average income to one hundred and ten times. This can be attributed to the different access to globalization between these two factions. Therefore, it can be said that globalization albeit promoting one pillar of sustainable development, i.e. economic growth has led to serious disparities in the social world with high levels of inequality and increase in poverty especially in the developing countries. Sustainable development requires the prudent use of natural resources in order to ensure that future generations enjoy the same access to nature as the present generation. The intrinsic relation between the environment and economic growth together with social factors has led to disastrous changes in the environment. of the three pillars of sustainable development, this is perhaps the worst hit in present day. The consequences of environmental degradation has led to social and political discourse that is least to say wanting. A major function on of globalization is industrialization. The internalization of industrialization to the greatest threat on earth currently, global warming. Global is as a result of extensive industrialization. Stiglitz (2007) asserts that there is no issue as global as global warming; everyone shares the same atmosphere. Emissions from industrialized countries such as the USA and China cross boarders and eventually affect the poorest of the countries in the wo rld. Stiglitz expresses his worry using the case of Bangladesh and the Maldives. Bangladesh is a rice growing country. Due to its location, it is vulnerable to sea levels. Global warming will eventually affect sea levels. The country is likely to be submerged. Stiglitz predicts this to be one third of the country. Being a rice growing nation, their source of livelihoods will simply be destroyed and thus and to the total challenge of global poverty. Maldives on the other hand according to predictions its predicament due to global warming is going to occur very soon. This tropical paradise might be completely submerged in the next fifty years. Natural resources are being exploited at an alarming rate during this period of intense globalization. The destruction of natural resources can only lead to dire consequences on the environment and society as a whole. Natural resources are essential for the lifeline of the planet. Forests are especially important. They are a natural sink for carbon. During this period of increased green house gas emissions, their carbon sequestration is needed to absorb the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, the demand for land for development has seen industrialized nations transfer their projects to tropical rain forests which are mostly located in developing countries. Take the example of the Amazonian forest. This is the largest rain forest in the world. However, its distraction is occurring at an alarming rate to give way for development of dams, settlers and loggers. Research stipulates that the Amazonian forests vanishing at a rate of 200,000 square miles a year. On the other si de of the globe, in Africa, Cameroons tropical forest is at risk of multi cooperation exploitation. An example is the Herackles Farm company. It has to date destroyed 72 000 hectares of land. This is for the palm oil project they intend to set up in the region. Palm oil is used to produce biodiesel, a cleaner source of energy to fossil fuel. The destruction of this forest has not only destroyed the landscape of the forest but has also destroyed the migratory paths of the wildlife animals in the tropical forest. Destruction of forests not only affects carbon sequestration, it also affects climatic conditions. Take the case of Kenya, the past ten years has seen the country destroy its major water tower, the Mau forest. This forest has been destroyed mostly to give way to the colonial pressure of land and the government decided to settle people in this forest. What followed is extensive logging in the forest. Microclimatic conditions started occurring following this. The country experi enced the worst drought spell in the year 2009. Agriculture was highly affected and hunger followed. The hydroelectric industry and the tea industry were also affected. This being key revenue sources for the nation (Morgan, 2009). Still on the case of forest depletion, biodiversity loss must be addressed. Biodiversity is one of them major concerns the Brundtland commission had in Our Common Future. Brail boasts around 55 000 species of flora amounting to some 22% of the worlds total. The Convention on Biodiversity (CBD, 2010) reported that forests account for more than two thirds on net primary production on land and the conversion of solar energy into plant matter. Therefore, a global check to ensure sustainable use of natural resources should be addressed and fast. The destruction of natural resources has also led to societal pressures. There is an intrinsic connection between man and nature. This intrinsic connection with nature is slowly being destroyed by globalization. The indigenous peoples for example have been shortchanged by globalization. The indigenous peoples of the world live in the most biodiverse areas of the world. This is probably the reason why they have become prime targets of global corporations who have already depleted their natural resources. GAoing back to the Amazon, one will find the Awa tribe. This tribe are hunters and gathers and rely on the rainforest for their source of livelihood. Encroachment of the forest by loggers and new settlers threat their lifestyle. Survival International (2012,a) in one of their films; The Worlds Most Threatened Tribe, shows the plight of these people. One tribesman is captures asking why are they doing this to us? If they destroy the forest they destroy us. Extractive industries have al so led to loss of biodiversity and added to the plight of the indigenous peoples. According to the UNHCR (2011), extractive industries generated effects that often infringe upon indigenous peoples rights. The Palawan of the Phillipinnes for example are a fighting the nickel mining industry. Mining causes the worst environmental and societal footprints. Mining causes; destruction of landscapes, destruction of agricultural land, sedimentation and erosion soil and water contamination. In a film by the Survival International (2012,b), Palawan Voices from the Last Frontier depicts clearly the plight of these people. A mother is seen worrying about the future generations and how they will manage to experience the forest due to the mining industry. Contamination of their waters has led to diseases that these people who are rarely in contact with others have contracted. With no access to healthcare, they are losing lives. However. Indigenous peoples have managed to fight the tentacles of gl obalization. Armed with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, they are fighting this global order. Economic growth leads to an increase in Industrial activities. This leads to an increase in per capita. This eventually leads to an increase in population that has proved to be a crucial factor in environmental degradation. (Borghesi and Vercelli, 2006). The Brundtland report expressed its concerns on the rate of population growth especially in Africa. For example population pressure in Kenya has led to the destruction of conservation of wildlife. Land use favouring agricultural and rural development has led to reduction of wildlife conservation areas leading to extinction of some species. (Okech, n.d).There is a conflict between the wildlife and humans who have encroached their conservancies and reserves. Human encroachment was estimated to be 72% and loss of conservation due to degradation of wildlife migration corridors was said to be 70% (Okech, n.d). The killings of wildlife by the population due to destruction of agricultural crops from animals such as the elephants has led to a conflict in government. The Government is trapped on whether to support the people or support wildlife interests. More often than not it has resulted in favouring the latter, reason? Tourism in Kenya is one of the largest revenue earners of the country. Still on the issue of wildlife conservation, the opening of borders has enabled an increase in poaching in Kenya. About a hundred elephants are killed in a year in Kenya (BBC, 2013). The free markets have enabled an international market for ivory especially in Asia. Poachers have increased in the country and this is one of the major contentious issues affecting the country currently under globalization. Another major paradigm brought about by the new era of globalization is security. After the cold war, the world was still in a state of security threats. Globalization has brought about migration of people, spread of knowledge, advanced technologies and extreme climate change all of which bring about strong security implications. The more traditional type of security threat brought about by political and military actions has become even more stronger with the advancement of technology in the globalized era. In addition, better transport and communication systems have made the transfer of weapons across borders easier and faster. Advanced technologies have also led to development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to spread across the globe. Not only are the super powers such as the US manage to develop these weapons, less developed countries are equipping themselves with these weapons. (Davis, n.d) suggests that strategies need to be developed in order to ensure this security threat is kept intact. He suggests that non proliferation tools such as domestic and international mechanisms for storage and transfer, multilateral export controls, arms control verification and enforcement measures would need to be evaluated. (Davis, n.d). Apart from the traditional form of security threat, climate change has brought about a new type of threat in the new world order. Climate change can lead to transnational threats that occur due to migration, and extensive competition for resources due to environmental stress. This burden may lead to threat of violence especially in vulnerable states. (Dabelko,2008). Take the case of the Ilemi triangle. This is a region that supports a fragile ecosystem charecterised by the only surviving riparian forest. The Ilemi triangle is shared by several countries, Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia. The pressures of the Gibe III dam and the existing climatic changes may lead for competition of resources such as water grazing land and political conflict involving at least five ethnic tribes. In addition these tribes are equipped with weapons such as guns due to their pastoralists lifestyles. The Brundtland report had already addressed this issue in its introductory chapter of Our Common Future. It asked states to include environmental stress as a possible threat to national sovereignty together with the traditional political and military threats .The UNDP also suggested that environmental security was one area that should constitute a new global security paradigm. (Dabelko, 2008). Prominent reports by the EU, USA and the UK have also addressed this issue in their polices and identified strong linkages between security and the environment for the first time in 2007, the UN security council with a push from the UK devoted a session that addressed the environment as a security issue. Ban Ki Mon also linked the efforts of the UN to battle climate change with its mission to address underlying causes of conflict in Darfur Sudan. (Dabelko, 2008). Another strong body that has supported environmental security is the Norwegian Nobel Committee that called climate change both a fundamental threat to human wellbeing and a contributing factor to more traditional conflict. This was an echo of th e WCED statement in 1987. All the above described factors of the globalization paradigm could be avoided or reduced in order to achieve sustainable development through the global political network and global governance. However, the implementation of most of these international polices have failed and thus dire consequences on sustainable development. Global governance is described as a political process that is meant to address all the problems that are beyond the capacities of a single state (Zollinger, 2007). However, governance starts at national levels. Most states especially those in the South fail to address the human and financial issues to the international arena. The political leadership especially in the developing nations seems to have surrendered to the powers of liberation. Political motivation towards addressing environmental issues is lacking. At the international front, the Rio summit seems to have failed the sustainable development paradigm.. Rio had the hopes of placing the environmental crisis on the international agenda. The environment since the Rio Summit in 1992 has been degraded immensely. Green house gases are at an all time high. Its subsequent convention the Kyoto protocol has also failed to show its strength countries like the USA have withdrawn from the KP regime. The irony is, the USA is the leading producer of GHG emissions. Khor (2001) argues that Rio failed to fulfill its promises because testing of sustainable development did not occur during implementation. Instead, SD came under competition of globalization. Globalization was given a further boost by the Marrakesh accord of 1994 that established the World Trade Organization (WTO) the strength of the WTO was its system which was based on retaliation and sanctions. As the WTO grew, globalization spread and thus undermined the sustainable development para digm (Khor, 2001). In conclusion, the administration of powers should go back to the more neutral organizations like the UN. The globalization proponents the WTO and the Bretton Woods Institutions power in the global world should be neutralized. They are both proponents of liberalism and protectionism (Khor, 2007). Better presentation of the Southern nations at the international scene should occur. This will ensure a possible balance between globalization and Sustainable development. As for now sustainable development paradigm remains to be a utopic dream.

Air Pollution :: essays research papers

Air Pollution CFish Mr. Nollen Biology 2B 8 May, 1996 The Problem Contamination of the atmosphere by gaseous, liquid, or solid wastes or by-products that can endanger human health and the health and welfare of plants and animals, or can attack materials, reduce visibility, or produce undesirable odors. Among air pollutants emitted by natural sources, only the radioactive gas radon is recognized as a major health threat. A byproduct of the radioactive decay of uranium minerals in certain kinds of rock, radon seeps into the basements of homes built on these rocks. According to recent estimates by the U.S. government, 20 percent of the homes in the U.S. harbor radon concentrations that are high enough to pose a risk of lung cancer. Each year industrially developed countries generate billions of tons of pollutants. The level is usually given in terms of atmospheric concentrations or, for gases in terms of parts per million, that is, number of pollutant molecules per million air molecules. Many come from directly identifiable sources; sulfur dioxide, for example, comes from electric power plants burning coal or oil. Others are formed through the action of sunlight on previously emitted reactive materials. For example, ozone, a dangerous pollutant in smog, is produced by the interaction of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides under the influence of sunlight. Ozone has also caused serious crop damage. On the other hand, the discovery in the 1980s that air pollutants such as fluorocarbons are causing a loss of ozone from the earth's protective ozone layer has caused the phasing out of these materials. Current information about the problem The tall smokestacks used by industries an utilities do not remove pollutants but simply boost them higher into the atmosphere, thereby reducing their concentration at the site. These pollutants may then be transported over large distances and produce adverse effects in areas far from the site of the original emission. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from the central and eastern U.S. are causing acid rain in New York State, New England, and eastern Canada. The pH level, or relative acidity, of many freshwater lakes in that region has been altered so dramatically by this rain that entire fish populations have been destroyed. Similar effects have been observed in Europe. Sulfur dioxide emissions and the subsequent formation of sulfuric acid can also be responsible for the attack on limestone and marble at large distances from the source. The worldwide increase in the burning of coal and oil since the late 1940s has led to ever increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide. The resulting "greenhouse effect", which allows solar energy to enter the atmosphere but reduces the remission of infrared radiation from the earth, could

Monday, August 19, 2019

Behavior and Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Ess

This paper will review five studies concerning the behavior and development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The studies investigate how autism effects communication, socialization, cognitive development, and a number of other areas. Researchers use many different types of scales to measure and compare the difference between children with ASD and typically developing children. Methodology Study 1 Morgan, Lindee, Wetherby, Amy M., Barber, Angie (2008) Repetitive and stereotyped movements in children with autism spectrum disorders late in the second year of life In this study there were three groups of children between 18 and 24 months of age participated. One group had Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), another group had developmental delays (DD) but autism was ruled out, and the third group had a typical development (TD). They conducted a study in which they videotaped some behavioral samples using the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS). This is a clinical tool that is used to measure repetitive and stereotyped movements (RSM) in young children. The experiment takes about twenty minutes to administer and uses communication techniques such as bubbles, different toys, cheerios, books, and other activities to promote communication is the children. Study 2 Luyster, Rhiannon J., Kadlec, Mary Beth, Carter, Alice, Tager-Flusberg, Helen (2008) Language Assessment and Development in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders Participants were based on ages of 18 to 33 months and were picked from collaboration with early intervention in Massachusetts. The sample size was 164 toddlers, 129 boys and 35 girls. 142 were white, 2 were African American, 4 were Asian, 1 American Indian/ Alaska... Autism not only to typically developing children but to children with other disorders or a milder case of autism and using other methods of assessment would work for future research. Study 4 For future research it would help if the sample size was larger because not many people participated in the survey. Study 5 For future studies there should be a control group to compare ASD participants with typically developing participants and also a larger sample size. Concluding Comments The majority of this research focuses on communication, socialization, verbal use, repetitive movements, the assessment, and behavioral responses in children with ASD. Each study focused on a different aspect of the development of children with ASD, but they all reached the same conclusions in the results. Children with ASD develop differently in many areas than typical children.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Degradation of Women in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road Essay -- On The Roa

The Degradation of Women in On The Road An argument can be made that the women in Jack Kerouac's On The Road are not as characteristically well developed as the men. Through Sal and Dean's interactions with women, the reader sees that there exist two types of females in this novel - the benevolent virgin/mother figure or the whore. Women are constantly referred to in a negative way or blatantly degraded and insulted by numerous characters. However, Kerouac (through the character of Sal) exhibits sympathy for women. Sal does occasionally participate in female stereotyping, but this is simply because he wants to fit in. Although Sal may try to make arguments against the poor treatment of women, the novel in its entirety seems to reinforce male domination. "On the Road endorses the belief that women exist as either a virgin or a whore and Sal's character is not strong enough to offset this belief"(Bartlett 135). Although women are portrayed negatively in the novel, they do play a key role in many ways. Dean always needs to have a woman around to make his experiences more "real." As a result, women in general are often degraded. Marylou, for example, is constantly talked about but never talked to. She is not socially valuable enough to engage in conversation. When Dean tries to persuade Sal to sleep with Marylou, the dialogue is between Sal and Dean. Marylou doesn't have one line. All she really has is a little "go ahead". That is all and that really does not even imply cooperation; only coercion like "go ahead and You do Your thing to me". Dean is flippantly wanting... ...icate Dynamics of Friendship: A Reconsideration of Kerouac's On The Road." American Literature. v46: 200-206. 1974. Holmes, John C. "The Philosophy of the Beat Generation." On the Road. Text and Criticism. By Jack Kerouac. Ed. Scott Donaldson. New York: Penguin, 1979. 367-79. Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Ed. Scott Donaldson. New York: Penguin, 1979. Krupat, Arnold. "Dean Moriarty as Saintly Hero." On the Road. Text and Criticism. By Jack Kerouac. Ed. Scott Donaldson. New York: Penguin, 1979. 397-411. Lorch, Thomas M. "Purdy's Malcolm: A Unique Vision of Radical Emptiness." Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature. 6 (1965): 204-13. Purdy, James. Malcolm. London, New York: Serpent's Tail, 1994. Watson, Steven. The Birth of The Beat Generation. New York: 1981 Â  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Example Creative Project Analysis as Film Studies Essay

In my storyboard I started with normal diegetic sound to create the normal, realistic atmosphere of sounds such as gates creaking and the wind blowing. This is so the audience is aware of the surroundings, considering no establishing shot was used prior to this to show the setting also generates a dark and mysterious atmosphere to begin with, leaving it to the audience’s imagination to guess what is going to happen as no hints to the genre have even been made yet. Then we have non-diegetic sound as music influenced by the beat from Jaws starts to play. This makes the audience feel uneasy and unusual as they realise something bad may happen because of the sinister music. I was conscious of the significant use of music to create atmosphere within the horror genre and therefore wanted the soundtrack to emphasise the tension on screen. The music gets louder and louder as the attacker gets closer to the victim to emphasise the fact that there is danger ahead and something bad is clearly about to happen. The music stops just before the murder as the girl screams as it is inevitable now that the girl is going to die, it builds up tension more and pulls you into a false sense of security. At the end the only sound we hear is the diegetic sound of the attacker laughing, this is so all the focus is on her and shows she has no guilt over what she has done, leaving the audience wondering about the character so it keeps it interesting and intriguing for them to watch. Costume is used in this storyboard to show normalcy. The attacker is dressed like a normal teenage girl so the audience can somehow relate to her as well as the other character and to suggest she is just another typical modern girl, which is why it is a shock to the audience when she kills the other girl and impacts so greatly. The killer in this film is also a female because they are usually seen to be damsels in distress that need saving so you’d never expect her to kill someone, which is another way I have attempted to make the film be original and shock the audience. Women serial killers may not be as strong as a male would be but they have a bigger impact on the victims and on the audience watching, the influence for this idea comes from films such as Friday The 13th, Audition and Phenomena. The props in this storyboard are also significant, especially the use of the knife in the picture when the attacker is at the door. The use of the knife is taken from the 1996 slasher/horror film scream which greatly influenced the film and how the killing took place, this is to help when marketing to a specific target audience and so the audience can have something to compare the film too without it being too over-predictable. In picture 10, the girl is being killed and has a teddy bear in her hand; this is to imply she is young, innocent and vulnerable and also shows that she is just a normal child in the comfort of her own home and was not expecting anything like that to happen, which is an effective contrast to when she is being stabbed. The lighting used was very dim and minimal throughout as it was shot at night so the killer could hide in the shadows effectively to make her seem mysterious at first and to make the audience wonder about her. This is to play on the audience’s natural fear of the dark and shadows, which is a usual characteristic of the genre and is seen in many other horror films. The main camera shots used where over the shoulder shots and point of view shots from the killer itself, this is so the audience can actually identify with the killer and the audience will drive pleasure from the actions of the killer because if the audience is there to see a horror film they expect there to be deaths and blood as it is typical of the genre itself to play on natural human fears. During the attack there is rapid use of camera movement such as a zoom used to intensify the stabbing action and to put it in clear perspective for the audience. The extreme close up at the end is also used to emphasise on the psychotic glare of the killer as she laughs and is meant to unnerve the audience. In my creative sequence I wanted to use micro features in keeping with the horror genre in order to create audience response. My choice of sound, mise en scene and cinematography was done so to maximise the effect of my chosen scene and to effectively make a different type of horror film with an addition of originality and an addition of normal generic conventions, overall I think it was successful.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The processing of information begins

The processing of information begins when energy as the idea of irritant reaches one or more of five senses of the human being. This contact takes place while physical approach to the irritant, which stirs to activity one or several senses. This idea demands from side, which executes communication, to choose those means of information transfer, personal or mass, which are able to embrace the target market. So, when a person contacts with quite strong stimulus, his sensory perceptions become more active, and coded information transfers to his brains via nerve fibers.This effect is called sensation, which is influenced by the following three threshold determinations: 1. The lower (or absolute) threshold: it means the minimum quantity of stimulating energy or intensity, which is necessary to form the sensation. 2. The Extreme threshold: the point, in which additional increasing of stimulus intensity doesn’t affect the sensation. 3. Differential threshold: the minimum change of ir ritant intensity, which can be noticed by human being (Dictionary of Marketing and Advertising, p. 74).Some researchers of buyer behavior think that intensity of the irritant should be at least at minimum (absolute) threshold in order to make some influence on a buyer. The other think that irritants which are below the absolute threshold can influence the buyer as well – so-called conception of subconscious persuasion. We know that our sensory detection abilities go into a decline when we are getting older, so it is interesting to find out a way marketers appeal to the elderly people.The other thing we need to take into consideration is that during the life we are getting used to different sensation, so we have to increase the level of absolute threshold to attract attention. So, what is attention, particularly? It can be determined as direction of cognitive resources to process the irritant. One of the main difficulties for commercial company is to make a consumer to focus a ttention on some definite information, which has to be reported. Due to some sources, average consumer looks through three hundred advertisements per day.Average TW viewer looks through more then one hundred TV ads. It is pity, but a lot of such materials cannot attract attention, which is necessary to make some influence. The same situation you can see in trading as well. There are from 18 till 20 thousand different types of consumer goods in assortment of typical supermarket. The main problem there is marking out of one item from plenty of analogs at the market shelf and attracting of consumer’s attention as well.The factors which influence distribution of consumer’s limited resources can be divided into two main groups: personal (individual) and factors which have concern to stimulus. Besides, some emotional conditions of personality are used in publicity, such as feeling of self-confidence, reliability, self-satisfaction, creative abilities of human being, objects of love, strength, family traditions, immortality, etc. The second group of factors is called determinants, which relay to stimulus, it means these are characteristics of stimulus.The can be controlled, it means somebody can manipulate by them in order to increase or decrease the attention. So, it means that they are used quite often by companies in their struggle for buyer attention (Consumer Behavior, pp. 103-105). Let’s examine some factors used in order to attract the buyer’s attention by the example of elderly people, taking into consideration their peculiarities we spoke about a page before. Size: To tell the truth, the stronger irritant is, the higher is a probability that it will attract attention.In case you enlarge the size of printed advertisement, you’ll increase chances to attract buyer’s attention. Probability that the object will be seen in the shop, depends on size or quantity of trade space for this definite item. This is mostly important for impulse shopping, where sale depends partially from the fact how many place is given for the item. As elderly people often have poor eyesight, it is important to take into account size of type – it should better be bigger, then letters, typed on the items which are aimed for younger people.Some pharmaceutical companies make medicines which mostly are used by elderly people and write information for these medicines by big letters, in order to see description clearly. Color is also one of important factors. Color advertisements can increase sale for 41% more, than their black and white analogs. Moreover, some colors can attract attention more, then the other. We can examine some meanings of colors here. Red color – color of determination, can arouse strong desire to make some deed, for example to buy some item.Orange color can add activity, but at the same time will give the feeling if internal balance and spiritual harmony. Yellow color inclines to communication. I t is the color of open mind and communication, at the same time it is able to provide the thing with intellect, so this is the reason that a lot of Hi-tech companies make their advertising in yellow color. Green is good in publicity of medicines, health centers. Pink increases the feelings, so it can be used in perfumery, goods for women and children, family centers etc.Blue is a color of peace and harmony, dark-blue – helps to concentrate at the very necessary. In 1959 Ris made a test (color Lusher test) in medical clinics of Leipzig University and tested 1000 people of different age, from children till elderly. He found that young people, especially in the age before 25, prefer red color. The elder people are, the more they like dark colors (Journal of Advertising, p. 15). Still, it is very difficult to influence attention of elderly people also because they due to their life experience can resist the publicity and advertising more then young people or children.LG Company m ade a mobile phone, which is specialized for elderly people. Marketers understand that it is quite difficult for elderly people to see small letters, press small buttons as well as learn new technologies. Still, the majority of elderly people prefer a basic number of functions – it means the idea â€Å"A telephone should be used to make calls only†, so LG made this telephone with elementary functions only. Big buttons and low price – are two factors by opinion of LG, which should satisfy demands of elderly. This model (LG NS1000) allows only making calls and receiving/sending SMS.Japan manufacturers of automobiles intend to start a new line of special automobiles for elderly people. As local Mass Media informs, such new and clever auto will help the driver to brake and to turn the wheel. They plan assembly-line production of such cars from the beginning of 2006. Auto will have numerous sensors and cameras, which can read all movements of hands, legs and eyes of driver and will determine mistakes in driving. At present time specialists analyze influence of age changes for physical reaction of driver and his ability to estimate situation on the road.In accordance with results a special computer program will be created to help elderly drivers. A prototype of new car is already developed, which will have speed till 60 km/h. The creators of new auto consider that this novelty will be of great success because of increasing quantity of elderly drivers in Japanese society. The cost of such a novelty will be approx. 9-13 thousand dollars. Now, let’s make the excursion to Austria, where one of the trading concerns makes an interesting experiment: this concern opened two supermarkets especially for elderly people.This experiment is interesting before all because representatives of the elder generation traditionally aren’t attractive group for retail trade: seems that they don’t have much money, and their demands are quite modestà ¢â‚¬ ¦ Still, almost in all European countries fast ageing of society takes place, and quantity of elderly people is increasing more and more†¦ So this supermarket in Vienna is a kind of test place, where technologies of servicing of quite specific client sphere, which is constantly increasing and becomes more important, take place.At the first sight, this is a very ordinary supermarket: long rows of shelves, relaxing music from dynamics†¦ But if you be attentive, you can notice some differences. For example, figures at the price-list: they are bigger, then usual. Some of shelves have magnifying glasses, in order the client will be able to see inscription at the goods, which are usually typed by small font. Besides, you can ask the cashier to give you glasses for reading.Just near the exit you can see a comfortable bench to have a rest, near it – the device to measure blood pressure. The cart for shopping has special hanger in order to put there a walking stick. The gangway between shelves is bigger then in usual supermarkets, and floor in the shop is made of special material, so legs don’t slide. Moreover, the shelves are made in such a special manner that elder person doesn’t have to bend down or stretch for goods he needs. All those novelties were highly appreciated by the clients.